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Individuals tickets
Karting en plein air à Mérignac
Piste loisir 650 m
Mini-karts (de 7 à 10 ans)
(en semaine uniquement ou le week-end de 11h à 13h)
19,00 €
Kart 270cc (9 cv)
24,00 €
Piste compétition 1320 m
Kart 390 cc (14 cv)
34,00 €
Kart de compétition 125cc 2 temps (28 cv)
(caution à prévoir sur place 300€)
55,00 €
Karting en salle à Bordeaux-Lac
Kart 270cc (9 cv)
26,00 €
Bowling à Bordeaux-Lac
1 partie de bowling (chaussures comprises)
8,00 €
Tickets are sent by mail
Ticket orders are processed on weekdays only
Ticket have a 1 year validity
Karting tickets are valid all day, during opening hours and subject to availability of our tracks
A Karting ticket gives access to a 10 minutes run.
Bowling tickets are only valid from Sunday to Friday from 20h until 20h subject to availability of our tracks
Karting or Bowling hiring is not subject to any booking or to any refund.